According to Oneida County Sheriff Robert Maciol, The Sheriff’s Office is investigating a report of suspicious activity. The incident occurred on March 4, 2019 at 9:25 PM on East Floyd Road in the Town of Floyd, east of Soule Road. A woman reported that she was pulled over by a vehicle that had activated red and blue emergency lights contained in the grill of the vehicle. The woman stated that a white male around 30-40 years of age and wearing a gray police uniform along with a purple tie approached her vehicle and asked for her drivers license. After about 10 minutes the white male again approached the woman and told her to get out of the car. The woman stated that she then saw a second male, also dressed in a gray police uniform exit the vehicle. The woman described this male as Hispanic and around 20-30 years of age. The woman was told that her vehicle was going to be searched while she stood by with the white male. After the Hispanic male searched the vehicle the woman was given her driver’s license back and told that she was free to leave. The woman described the vehicle that pulled her over as a dark colored Crown Vitoria with a push bar and emergency lights only located in the grill of the vehicle. Through cooperation with surrounding police agencies this vehicle was unable to be identified as belonging to a local police department or the New York State Police. The investigation into this incident is ongoing.

The Oneida County Sheriff’s Office offers the following safety tip.

Motorists are reminded that unmarked police cars do exist, but there is some suspicion to them. If an unmarked car flashes its lights or try’s to signal you to pull over and you are unsure if it is a legitimate law enforcement officer, there are a few things that you can do. Wait until you get to a lighted or busy area such as a gas station or business area. Call 911 to let them know that you are being followed by an unmarked police car and that you plan on pulling over as soon as you can safely do so. Give the dispatcher the make, model and color of the car following you along with a license plate if possible. Try and signal that you have acknowledged the request to stop and indicate the action you are taking, ie: put your flashers on or signal by pointing from the driver side window. Don’t drive off at a high rate of speed and make the police think you are trying to get away. Keep your doors locked until you are sure that it is the police and have your cell phone at hand just in case. You can also ask to see police identification such as police ID which should include a name, photograph and police agency. You can except the ID through the mostly closed window until you are satisfied that it is fact a legitimate police officer.