According to Oneida County Sheriff’s Office Chief Deputy Derrick O’Meara, Director of the Child Advocacy Center, a Village of Clinton man was arrested by members of the Child Advocacy Center on November 19, 2020. Dorian Walker Jr., age 31, was arrested by OCSO Sgt. M. Bolton and OCSO Inv. Mark Chrysler, both of whom are assigned to the CAC, for one count each of Forcible Touching and Endangering the Welfare of a Child, both Class A Misdemeanors. The charges are the result of an investigation that revealed that Walker Jr. intentionally and forcibly touched the intimate body parts of an 11 year old female child, at a residence in the City of Rome, in August of 2020. Walker Jr. was issued an appearance ticket made returnable to Rome City Court on 12/3/ 2020. An order of protection will be requested on behalf of the child. The child has been offered services at the Child Advocacy Center.