At a morning event with all area media outlets on hand, Oneida County Sheriff Robert Maciol unveiled a new device that will begin to be carried by some Deputies and Correction Officers at the Sheriff’s Office. The “Bola Wrap” is a new, state of the art remote restraint device that safely and humanely restrains non-compliant subjects from a distance. This new device, when used in the appropriate situations, ends encounters with non-compliant subjects, without any injury, who may be in mental crisis or impaired by drugs.

Sheriff Maciol invited all of the various city, town, and village police agencies from Oneida County to be at today’s presentation, of which three of the departments attended. During today’s presentation, live deployments of the Bola Wrap were utilized on both the company representatives and on members of the Sheriff’s Office staff.

There are currently more than 500 police agencies throughout the United States that are carrying the Bola Wrap device and Sheriff Maciol was first introduced to this new product through the New York State Sheriff’s Association.

At the completion of today’s morning presentation to the media and area police departments, six members of the Oneida County Sheriff’s Office attended a day long “train the trainers” session so that they are now certified to train other members of the Sheriff’s Office on the use of the device.

For complete details on the device and for actual police body cam video of it being deployed, you can visit their website at