According to Oneida County Sheriff Robert Maciol, there was a 1 car motor vehicle accident on Fraser Rd in the Town of Steuben at around 7:15 PM on August 4th that caused the road Fraser Rd to be temporarily closed. Edward Alsheimer, age70 of Westernville, was operating his 2003 Chevrolet westbound on Fraser Rd when he swerved to avoid a horse and buggy. While avoiding the horse and buggy Alsheimer over-corrected and lost control of his vehicle. Alsheimer's vehicle left the roadway and came to rest on the northern shoulder of the roadway. Holland Patent Fire Department responded to the scene and extricated Alsheimer from the vehicle due to the damage. Due to his injuries of head, neck, and back, ​Alsheimer was flown to SUNY Upstate Medical Center for further evaluation. NYSP and Star Ambulance assisted.