Camden Man Arrested

According to Oneida County Sheriff Robert Maciol a Camden man was arrested in the Village of Camden after stabbing five people on August 16, 2021 at about 4pm. Brian A. Marshall, 33, of Camden was arrested after an altercation in the Goodlife Bar on Main Street in the Village of Camden where he used a sharp metal pick to stab the five victims.

Marshall was taken into custody in the rear parking lot of the bar after deputies deployed a Taser. None of the injuries are life threatening. Victims were treated at the scene and transported to local hospitals for further treatment. Marshall was charged with five counts of Assault in the Second Degree a class D Felony and is currently awaiting arraignment in Oneida County CAP Court.

Marshall was arrested by Otsego County Sheriff’s Office on 08/15/21 for Grand Larceny 3rd, Grand Larceny 4th, and several traffic tickets after failure to comply with officers trying to stop him in a stolen vehicle. Due to New York State Bail Reform Otsego County Sheriff’s Office issued him appearance tickets after his offenses rather than arraigning him on charges that he would have been released on anyway.

The Camden Police Department and New York State Police assisted with the investigation and arrest.

More charges are pending with the Oneida County Sheriff’s Office.