According to Oneida County Sheriff Robert Maciol, on 12/01/2021 at 10:26PM, 911 dispatch reported that they had received a 911 call, where an unknown caller had reported he shot two people in his house, located at 152 Stafford Ave in the Village of Waterville. Patrol Deputies, along with New York State Police responded to the residence and set up a perimeter. At this point, 911 dispatch no longer had phone contact with the unknown caller. After some time, Deputies were able to make contact with two people who reside within the residence, the occupants exited the residence, and they were cooperative with the investigation. Deputies then conducted a search of the residence where nobody was located. After further investigation, it was determined there was no shots fired incident, nor anybody injured. The scene was deemed safe and it is believed the incident is a case of a False Report. Sheriff Deputies were assisted by New York State Police, Waterville Fire Department and COCVAC Ambulance.