Oneida County Sheriff’s Office 2022 Awards Recognition Ceremony Held Earlier today, the Oneida County Sheriff’s Office held its agency award ceremony and breakfast at Hart’s Hill Inn in Whitesboro. This is the first time that the Sheriff’s Office has held a ceremony since the pandemic. There were over 180 awards in total for various service time recognitions and actions taken above and beyond during and prior to, 2022. Members that were able to attend this morning’s ceremony and breakfast were joined by family and colleagues. The ceremony was sponsored by the Oneida County Sheriff’s Law Enforcement Foundation. The award categories and recipients include:

Service Recognition – In recognition of civilian member’s years of service to the Oneida County Sheriff’s Office. Principal Clerk Tina Combs – 25 years Principal Clerk Pauline Belfield – 20 years Principal Clerk Katie Healt – 15 years Principal Clerk Jodi Martin – 15 years Principal Account Clerk Virginia Truax – 10 years Senior Clerk Calihan Marshal – 5 Years

Good Conduct - In recognition of a five-year period of service without a reprimand or serious instance of report and years of service with the Oneida County Sheriff’s Office. 7 time recipient with 35 years of service Deputy Sheriff Arthur Broccoli 6 time recipient with 30 years of service & Ready commendation with Silver Star: Awarded to an individual for completion of 30 years of service and continuing to qualify as being professionally ready to perform and dispatch his or her duties in the highest of performance Correction Officer Michael Mulkey Correction Officer Anthony Walker Special Patrol Officer Clayton Bramhall Special Patrol Officer Louis Zurek 5 time recipient with 25 years of service Correction Officer Barry Bray Lieutenant James Danquer Correction Officer Edward Dibari Correction Officer Jason Gondek Lieutenant Peter HealtSergeant Scott Kahl Correction Officer Richard Lutz Lieutenant Michael Miles Investigator Kevin Miller Correction Officer Mike Randall Correction Officer Jason Silipo Correction Officer James Steates Assistant Sheriff Robert Swenszkowski Correction Officer Jason Vance Sergeant Robbie Wright Correction Officer Darrel VanPelt 4 time recipient with 20 years of service Correction Officer Thomas Abounader Correction Officer Mark Babilon Investigator Mark Chrysler Lieutenant David Chrzan Correction Officer Stephen Coe Correction Officer Shannon Cushman Sergeant Michael Dilapi Investigator John Ford Correction Officer Roxanne Hazlett Correction Officer Dan Kalk Lieutenant Grant Langheinrich Sergeant Jason Osika Correction Officer Mark Perry Correction Officer Luis Roman Correction Officer Harold Schofield Investigator Mark VanNamee 3 time recipient with 15 years of service & Ready commendation: Awarded to an individual for completion of 15 years of service and continuing to qualify as being professionally ready to perform and dispatch his or her duties in the highest of performance. Correction Officer Judith Beer Lieutenant Donna Campbell Correction Officer David Cardone Investigator Justin Copperwheat Sergeant Dale Czeck Court Security Officer Karen D’Ambro Court Attendant Jeanne Daniels Correction Officer Scott Eisenhart Correction Officer Eugene Elwood Correction Officer Mark Franco Correction Officer Michael Geradi Correction Officer Bahrija Hodzic Sergeant Scott Kinville Correction Officer Eric Knutti Correction Officer Kyle Llewellyn Correction Officer Todd Mundell Sergeant Joseph Neve-Rinaldo Correction Officer Jennifer O’Dell Correction Officer Stanley Rozyla Correction Officer Mike Reed Sergeant Brandon Rutledge Captain Clayton Smith Correction Officer Jonathan Toscano Correction Officer Samantha Wright 2 time recipient with 10 years of service Court Attendant Babrbara Brinkerhoff Correction Officer Brian Capparelli Correction Officer Braco Dizdarevic Correction Officer Hillary House Correction Officer Daniel Knudsen Court Attendant Anthony Levadoti Lieutenant John Libby Deputy Sheriff Nicholas Marcano Investigator Ryan Matt Investigator Christopher Paravati Sergeant Frederick Peck Correction Officer John Plumley Court Security Officer Taylor Robertello Correction Officer Laurie Schaff Deputy Sheriff Robert Snider Investigator Richard Stanek Correction Officer Crystal Venettozzi Lieutenant Timothy Wilcox First time recipient with 5 years of service Special Patrol Officer James Alley Special Patrol Officer James Arnts Special Patrol Officer Donald Avery Special Patrol Officer Thomas Brady Correction Officer Gabrielle Brokaw Special Patrol Officer Stephen Campbell Correction Officer Jason Casale Sergeant Brian Ciulla Special Patrol Officer Mark Dembrow Special Patrol Officer Charles Derider Correction Officer Jenna DiFederico Deputy Sheriff Bailey Dixon Special Patrol Officer Angelo Donato Deputy Sheriff Steven Eilers Correction Officer Chad Englert Special Patrol Officer Robert Evans Special Patrol Officer John Fitzgerald Special Patrol Officer Mark Gesaroni Special Patrol Officer Robert Giruzzi Special Patrol Officer Joel Guy Court Security Officer Bryan Jones Special Patrol Officer Michael Kealy Special Patrol Officer Kyle Kelsey Court Attendant Christine Kotary Special Patrol Officer John Locash Special Patrol Officer John Martello Special Patrol Officer Vincent Martinelli Special Patrol Officer Kevin Maxwell Correction Officer Howard Mosher Special Patrol Officer Mark Nunnecker Sergeant James Paternoster Special Patrol Officer James Ploss Deputy Sheriff James Quinn Correction Officer Muhamed Recic Correction Officer Chad Sebastian Special Patrol Officer Ray Shackett Special Patrol Officer Steve Siriano Correction Officer Michael Spielmann Special Patrol Officer Richard Stay Correction Officer Ashlee Tallarino Special Patrol Officer Alban Uryniak Special Patrol Officer Nicholas Vitale Special Patrol Officer Todd Wilson Certificates of Appreciation Deputy Sheriff Josh Briggs Lieutenant Donna Campbell Lieutenant David Chrzan Investigator Edward Constantine Correction Officer Ronald Gatto Correction Officer Merzuk Hozanovic Correction Officer Christopher Lenahan Lieutenant John Libby Lieutenant Kristina Miles Sergeant Curtis Morgan Lieutenant Carey Phair Correction Officer Michael Reed Deputy Sheriff Keith Sack Special Patrol Officer Richard Sturgeon Military Service Recognition (OCSO and NYS Sheriff’s Assoc. citiaions) Deputy Sheriff James Quinn Civilian Service - Presented to a non-sworn individual whose personal assistance in the apprehension of a suspect or placing oneself in personal jeopardy to aid persons in danger. Richard Bourgourd Jason Johnson Andrea Larkin Christina Livermore Peter Manno Nancy Mentor Kim Pisarczyk Jessica Price Dillon Simmons Nancy Snyder-Potaczala Emily Tallerino (2 times) Loretta Young Promotion of Grade – Appointment or Promotion to a higher grade or title. Lieutenant Donna Campbell Lieutenant John Cusack Lieutenant James D’Amico Lieutenant Carey Phair Lieutenant Tim Wilcox Lieutenant Jason Zima Sergeant Dale Czeck Sergeant Dean Famolaro Sergeant Scott Kinville Sergeant Curtis Morgan Sergeant Jason Osika Sergeant James Paternoster Sergeant Michael Gibbons Investigator Edward Constantine The Samaritan - Awarded for an act of humanity as a friend to those in need, by attending to them in the time of a crisis, accident or danger and providing them with understanding and confidence. Deputy Sheriff Art Broccoli Deputy Sheriff Charles Haynes Correction Officer Jenna Pease The Triumphant Awarded for rising above the Best of the Best in the spirit of competition within an agency endorsed or approved event. Investigator Nicholas Matwijec Special recognition to the members of METRO SWAT (The Triumphant): Captain James Holt Sergeant Tyler Mowers Officer Chris Evans Officer Christopher Vomer Officer Michael Balio Officer Angelo Marroccolo Officer Mark Moskal Honorable Service - Awarded for a credible act performed in the line of duty of an unusual nature and reflects initiative and accomplishment on the part of the nominee. For your efforts. Captain Tim Alm Correction Officer Tyler Badger Lieutenant Tony Branham Sergeant Charles Clark Correction Officer Ronald Gatto Lieutenant John Libby Investigator Lauren Marleau Lieutenant Kristina Miles Lieutenant Richard Paul Correction Officer Chad Englert Correction Officer James McGee Correction Officer Lauri Schaff Exceptional Service - Awarded for a highly credible accomplishment, which brings public acclaim to the Oneida County Sheriff’s Office, the involved member, and to the law enforcement profession. Lieutenant David Chrzan Correction Officer Kevin Dealing Sergeant Michael Lalonde Correction Officer Richard Lutz Lieutenant Timothy Wilcox Queens Honor - Presented as a public salute and an expression of a law enforcement officer’s "Love and Thanks" to the significant other in his / her life, for the special understanding in sharing the problems of tour of duty which the member has served a minimum of 10 years with this agency. (Presented by the agency member to his / her significant other) Presented to Mrs. Jessica Libby from her husband Lieutenant John Libby Robert Joslyn Award - Exhibits Dedication to Duty, Agency Standards and Policies within Corrections. Treats staff and inmates with respect and dignity. The recipient shows fairness and equal treatment to everyone throughout the corrections division. Always maintains a sense of humor about the job. Correction Officer James Steates Grand Cordon Awarded for an individual, unit, squad, or division for the participation of its members in a cited operation. Deputy Sheriff Michael Baker Deputy Sheriff Steven Eilers Sergeant Michael Gibbons Investigator Lauren Marleua Investigator Ryan Matt Investigator Nicholas Matwijec Deputy Sheriff Colin McDaniels Deputy Sheriff Uriah Portner Sergeant Jay Sorrentino Lieutenant Jesse Tuthill Deputy Sheriff Gerald Villarreal Lieutenant Jason Zima K9 Commendation Awarded for successfully aiding and/or assisting to overcome any dangerous encounter through the coordinated team of K-9 master and dog. Sergeant Jason Osika & K9 Enzo Unit Citation - Awarded for a team effort under adverse conditions including all participating staff members, who in support of agency operations, distinguish themselves to effectuate the protection of life and property. Deputy Sheriff Kristy Allen Deputy Sheriff Aaron Alshaman Lieutenant John Cusack Deputy Sheriff Noah Danquer Deputy Sheriff Leonard Dillenbeck Deputy Sheriff Steven Eilers Sergeant Dean Famolaro Investigator Christoher Ferguson Sergeant Michael Ladd Investigator David LaPlante Deputy Sheriff Colin McDaniels Sergeant Jason Osika Investigator Christopher Paravati Sergeant Frederick Peck Deputy Sheriff Uriah Portner Deputy Sheriff Travon Thompson Lieutenant Jesse Tuthill Deputy Sheriff Gerald Villarreal Drug Buster - Awarded for the successful result of a stake-out, vigilant investigation, and /or a recovery of a narcotics, or other illegal substances as (drugs), as defined by law, leading to a felony arrest. Correction Officer Michael Spielman Croix De Negotiator Laurel (The Negotiators Cross) - Awarded for maintaining the presence of composure, alert talk-down and wit under extreme circumstances which prevented a life threat. Deputy Sheriff Dan Brown Investigator Mark Chrysler Investigator Justin Copperwheat Investigator Christopher Paravati Life Saving - Awarded for an act performed in the line of duty, which through prompt and alert reaction, results in saving a life. Deputy Sheriff Arthur Broccoli Sergeant Dale Czeck (2 times) Deputy Sheriff Bailey Dixon Correction Officer Scott Eisenhart Correction Officer Chad Englert Correction Officer Ronald Gatto (2 times) Correction Officer Merzuk Hozanovic Correction Officer Rickey Hogue Correction Officer Robert iffert Deputy Sheriff Jeffrey Kistner Investigator Lauren Marleau Sergeant Joseph Neve-Rinaldo Correction Officer Tanner Nodine Correction Officer Jennifer O’Dell (2 times) Sergeant Jason Osika Correction Officer Anthony Papa Correction Officer Colby Spaven Correction Officer Tyler Badger Correction Officer Kyle Cousin Sergeant James Paternoster Correction Officer Josh Pawlikowski (3 times) Lieutenant Robert West Wounded In Combat - Awarded for a wound received in the line of duty, inflicted intentionally by an adversary and resulting in severe puncture wounds, lacerations, fractures, heart failure or concussions, being suffered by nominee. Correction Officer Tyler Pelton