With the high winds causing downed trees and power wires there may be power outages throughout Oneida County. Members of the Oneida County Sheriffs Office would like to remind the public to stay alert while traveling on the roadways, not only for debris in the roadway, but also for malfunctioning traffic lights. Due to power outages traffic lights may not be working properly or at all. Members of the Sheriff's Office would like to remind motorists that if a traffic light is not working that they must stop at the intersection for the malfunctioning traffic light, per NYS Vehicle and Traffic Law. We would like to urge motorists to use caution before proceeding through the intersection and be aware that not all other motorists may stop at the intersection.

From the New York State Vehicle and Traffic Law:

S 1117. Traffic-control signals; malfunction. Except when directed to proceed by a police officer, every operator of a motor vehicle approaching an intersection governed by a traffic-control signal which is out of service or otherwise malfunctioning shall stop in the manner required for stop signs set forth in section eleven hundred seventy-two of this title, and proceed according to the rules of right of way for vehicles set forth in article twenty-six of this title.

As always drive careful!