> Oneida County Sheriff Robert Maciol Offers New Year’s Eve Safety Tips > > > According to Oneida County Sheriff Robert Maciol, every day in the United States, 28 people are killed in drunk driving crashes. The risk of sharing the road with a drunk driver is even higher on holidays, like New Year’s. In fact, New Year’s Day is the most dangerous day of the year for drunk driving on our nation’s roadways. Nearly half of all traffic fatalities on New Year’s Day – after the midnight toasts – involves a drunk driver. > > Before gathering with friends and family on New Year’s Eve, Sheriff Maciol urges you to make sure you’ve made the necessary plans for how to keep your loved ones safe. > > > If you’re planning on going out Tuesday night, here are some basic tips to follow: > > •Before your New Year’s Eve celebration begins, make a plan to get home safely. If you plan on drinking, designate a non-drinking driver ahead of time and leave your keys at home, or program the phone number of a friend or local taxi or ride service to your phone. > > •If someone you know is drinking, do not let that person get behind the wheel. They’ll thank you for it. > > •Never get in a car with someone who has been drinking. There’s always another way to get home safely – it’s never worth the risk. > > •If you see someone driving drunk, always call the police. Getting drunk drivers off the roads prevents tragedies and saves lives. > > > If you’re hosting a New Year’s Eve party, here are some tips to ensure a safe night for all: > > As guests RSVP, confirm that they have a plan for a safe way home via a non-drinking designated driver ( public transportation, ride service, taxi, etc.). > > Plan activities like party games or door prize drawings that do not involve alcohol and engage people, resulting in a lower consumption of alcohol. > > Do not push drinks! Drinking at a party is not mandatory for having a good time. > > Provide plenty of food to keep your guests from drinking on an empty stomach. > > Avoid too many salty snacks, which tend to make people thirsty and drink more. > > Offer non-alcoholic beverages to non-drinking designated drivers and others who prefer not to drink alcohol. > > Never serve alcohol to someone under 21. > > If, despite your efforts, some of your guests have had too much to drink, never let them drive home impaired. > > Have the number of a ride or taxi service on hand or offer your sofa to guests who need to stay put. > > Have fun – but not too much fun. To be a good host, you should stay within your limits in order to make sure your guests stay within theirs. > > “On behalf of all of the members of the Oneida County Sheriff’s Office, we wish everyone a very Happy & Safe New Year!” according to Sheriff Maciol.