According to Oneida County Sheriff Robert Maciol, on 1-20-20 at 4:45 pm, the Sheriff’s Road Patrol responded to Rt 13 T/Vienna for a snowmobile trespass complaint that occurred earlier at about 2:30pm. The Sheriff’s Road Patrol turned the case over to the Sheriff’s Recreational Vehicle Enforcement Unit. An investigation found that two snowmobilers that were ticketed in Taberg at 4:05 pm by the Recreational Vehicle Enforcement Unit were the same two snowmobiles that drove around a land owners gate off of Rt 13 T/Vienna at about 2:30 pm. Vaughun Deraway, 33 of Vienna and Herbert Marshall, 32 of Vienna were the two operators involved. They were both issued tickets for uninsured snowmobile and unregistered snowmobile in Taberg on 1-20-20 at 4:05 pm. Those tickets are returnable to the Town of Annsville Court at a later date. On 1-22-20 Deraway and Marshall were issued a NYS Parks and Recreation ticket for operating on property of another without permission based on the land owners complaint. Those tickets are returnable to the Town of Vienna Court at a later date.

The Sheriff’s Office would like to remind all snowmobilers to respect landowners that allow snowmobile trails on their property.