Oneida Lake Snowmobile Accident - Update

According to Oneida County Sheriff Robert Maciol, on 2-23-20 at about 10:00 am, the Oneida County Recreational Vehicle Enforcement along with the NYS DEC Police investigated this accident. The investigation concluded that Michael D. Holmes, 35 and Briana L. Klink, 29 both of Chaffee NY were out on Oneida Lake Ice fishing. They began to return back to where they were staying after sunset. Due to the darkness they became lost on the lake. They attempted to a find land mark and ended up stopping at the mouth of the Oneida Creek. The ice was very thin there and they broke through the ice. They were able to self-rescue themselves from the water. They were both evaluated by Vineall Ambulance and signed off transport. The snowmobile was recovered by Triple T recovery services. There was no indication that any hazardous fluids from the snowmobile leaked into Oneida Lake. Holmes was ticketed for operating a snowmobile without insurance. That ticket is returnable to LCC Verona on a later date.