Every year in the month of May, in connection with National Police Week, New York State honors those police officers who died during the previous year from injuries incurred in the line of duty, with a ceremony for family and colleagues of the deceased officers at the NYS Police Memorial Wall in Albany.

Due to COVID 19, this year’s ceremony has been postponed to a later date. However, the NYS Division of Criminal Justice Services has produced a moving video memorial for those officers. It is a beautiful tribute the 55 heroes whose names will be inscribed on the Memorial Wall this year, joining those of 1567 other officers killed in the line of duty in New York State. This year’s honorees served with the following agencies: the Cayuga County Sheriff’s Office, Harrison Police Department, New York City Police Department, New York State Department of Environmental Conservation, New York State Police, Port Authority Police Department, and Suffolk County Police Department. Two of the officers were shot and killed in the line of duty in 2019. The remaining 53 officers died from illnesses resulting from their work at Ground Zero in the wake of the 9/11 terrorist attack on the World Trade Center, including former Cayuga County Undersheriff Stephen B. McLoud.

I encourage everyone to take a couple of minutes to watch this tribute to the fallen heroes.
