Today the Oneida County Sheriff’s Office held a modified version of National Night Out at AT&T in New Hartford. Sgt Campbell, Officer Morgan Deputy Cusack and K9 Natalie were in attendance.

National Night Out enhances the relationship between neighbors and law enforcement while bringing back a true sense of community. Furthermore, it provides a great opportunity to bring police and neighbors together under positive circumstances.

The Oneida County Sheriff’s Office would like to thank the following for their assistance with today’s event:

AT&T New Hartford Zachary Cousineau - Manager

Starbucks Chelsea Schultz - Manager

Ring/ Neighbors by Ring

Edwards Ambulance, Inc.

New York Mills Fire Dept.

Doughboy's BBQ

Stathis Greek Restuarant & Gyro

Most of all we would like to thank the members of Oneida County for your continued support!