Oneida County Sheriff’s Office Member Takes 1stPlace in Road Race to Raise Funds for the Stephen Siller Tunnel to Towers Foundation

The money the foundation raises goes directly to the families of firefighters & police officers killed in the line of duty, families of soldiers killed in action and they also build “smart”, accessible homes for disabled veterans.

Oneida County Sheriff’s Office Court Attendant Gary Burak was recently awarded a First Place Overall medal for his participation in the live portion of the Utica Roadrunner’s Club Inaugural 9-11 Never Forget Run/Walk that was held on November 8th in the City of Utica. Oneida County Sheriff’s Court Attendant Felicia Burak, wife of Gary, also ran the race with him and they are both long time, long distance runners.

The Utica Roadrunners Club, along with Utica Professional Firefighters Local 32, John E. Creedon Police Benevolent Associationandthe Sneaker Store, hosted the 9/11 Never Forget Run / Walk, with all proceeds raised donated directly to the Stephen Siller Tunnel to Towers Foundation. This was both a live event that was capped at 50 registrants along with a virtual event. The live event started at Proctor Park, out to the 9/11 Memorial at Tilden Ave, and then back to Proctor Park. The virtual portion of the run was completed the week leading up to the live event.

Stephen Siller was a New York City firefighter assigned to Squad 1 in Brooklyn. On the morning of September 11, 2001, Stephen just got off of shift and when he heard of the attacks on the World Trade Center. He returned to his firehouse, gathered all of his protective gear, and attempted to drive to the trade center until he got to the entrance of the Brooklyn Battery Tunnel. With the tunnel closed because of the attacks, Stephen took all of his protective gear and ran through the tunnel to the World Trade Center, went to work and was killed when the South Tower collapsed.

In 2002, Stephen’s brother Frank Siller created the Tunnel to Towers Foundation which held their first ever 5K race retracing Stephen’s steps through the Brooklyn Battery Tunnel to the World Trade Center. The NYC 5K Race started out with 1500 participants and has grown to an event with well over 30,000 participants annually. There are now also Tunnel to Towers events in 70 other cities nationwide. The money the foundation raises goes directly to the families of firefighters & police officers killed in the line of duty, families of soldiers killed in action and they also build “smart”, accessible homes for disabled veterans. The foundation disperses 93% of all money raised with only 7% spent on administrative costs.

Since the NYC and many other 5K events have been cancelled due to the pandemic, the Utica Roadrunners would like to help offset the loss of revenue by holding our 9/11Never Forget Run / Walk, so that the Tunnel to Towers foundation can continue their work of supporting our nations firefighters, police officers, soldiers and veterans. All proceeds raised will be donated directly to the foundation.

Pictured below from left to right is Oneida County Sheriff’s Court Attendant Felicia Burak (who also participated in the run), Oneida County Sheriff’s Court Attendant Gary Burak (holding his Overall First Place winning medal), and Oneida County Sheriff Robert Maciol.