May 2nd through the 8th is National Correctional Officers and Employees Week.

In 1984, former President Ronald Reagan signed Proclamation 5187, which designated the first full week in May as "National Correctional Officers Week" in honor of corrections officers who put their lives on the line every day to protect the public from dangerous criminals and to help prisoners work toward becoming productive members of society.

In 1996, Congress expanded and renamed this special week "National Correctional Officers and Employees Week" in recognition of all those employed with city, state, and federal correctional departments.

There are over 60,000 corrections officers and employees in the State of New York and are responsible for the care, custody, and maintenance of the inmates charged to their care.

To carry out their responsibilities, corrections officers work under demanding circumstances and face danger in their daily work lives, which sometimes results in the loss of life.

In accordance with the federal government's recognition of the indispensable contributions that corrections officers make every day to protect our citizens from harm, the Oneida County Sheriff’s Office honors all corrections officers and employees not only from our Office but Nationwide.