This morning, on the final day of the 2022 New York State Highway Symposium held at the Desmond Hotel in Albany, Oneida County Sheriff Robert Maciol was presented with the prestigious NYS Governor’s Traffic Safety (GTSC) Chair Award. The award was presented to the Sheriff for his commitment to highway safety and reducing traffic crashes.

The annual symposium brings together more than 300 highway safety professionals from all across New York State to share, promote, and learn about the latest highway safety initiatives.

The Oneida County Sheriff’s Office makes highway safety a priority and takes a multifaceted approach to keeping all road users safe on Oneida County’s city, suburban, and rural roadways.

Every year members of the Sheriff’s Office stand side by side with local farmers and hold press conferences stressing the importance of sharing the road with agricultural equipment. The Sheriff’s Office also educates farmers and the general public on the SMV (Slow Moving Vehicle) emblem, NY’s Vehicle & Traffic laws, and most recently - the “Share the Road” campaign. The “Share the Road” campaign is a safety driven program that partners the Sheriff’s Office with the County Executive, Cornell Cooperative Extention of Oneida County, and the Oneida County Farm Bureau.

The Oneida County Sheriff’s Office also prides itself on engaging teen drivers through mock DWI crash events, numerous speaking opportunities in the schools, and the GTSC No Empty Chair Campaign during high school prom and graduation season.

The Sheriff’s Office also speaks to older drivers at numerous venues throughout the county to ensure they are up to date on newer laws and vehicle technology.