The Governor’s Traffic Safety Committee No Empty Chair Campaign is a weeklong education and enforcement initiative created to keep young drivers safe. County, State and Local Law Enforcement will increase their presence in the vicinity of local High Schools throughout, and will be vigilant about violations of specific infractions throughout the week, while also enforcing all other vehicle and traffic laws.

Wednesday, April 26, 2023 – Cell Phone Use and Texting

Under New York State law you cannot use a hand-held mobile telephone or portable electronic device while you drive. Illegal activity includes holding a portable electronic device and talking on a handheld mobile telephone composing, sending, reading, accessing, browsing, transmitting, saving, or retrieving electronic data such as e-mail, text messages, or webpages viewing, taking, or transmitting images or playing games.

If you use a portable electronic device while you drive (except to call 911 or to contact medical, fire or police personnel about an emergency), you can receive a traffic ticket and be subject to a fine and a surcharge. Conviction of a cell phone use, portable electronic device use or a texting violation will also result in points being added to your DMV driving record. If you receive 11 points in an 18 month period, your driver license may be suspended.

Sending or reading a text takes your eyes off the road for 5 seconds. At 55 mph, that's like driving the length of an entire football field, blindfolded.