Oneida County Sheriff’s Office Chief Deputy Derrick O’Meara, who is the Director of the Oneida County Child Advocacy Center, announces the arrest of a Level 2 Registered Sex Offender. On October 5, 2023 Steven Velardi, age 53 of the Town of Floyd, was arrested by OCSO Sgt. Melissa Bolton for one count of Failure to Register Internet Accounts/Internet Access Provider, which is a Class E Felony under the NYS Corrections Law. Velardi was released on an appearance ticket, which was made returnable to Whitestown Court at a later date. The arrest was the result of an investigation commenced by Sgt. Bolton in June of 2023, where it was learned that Velardi had failed to register his internet accounts/internet service provider with the NYS Department of Criminal Justice Services, as required under the NYS Corrections Law and Sex Offender Registry Act as a NYS registered sex offender.