Mohawk Valley Crime Stoppers Wanted Person of the Week:

John M. Canarelli

58 years old

Height: 5’9”

Weight: 200 lbs.

John M. Canarelli is wanted on 3 separate Rome City Court Warrants. The first warrant is an Arrest Warrant for Felony Assault in the Second Degree stemming from a dispute in September of 2023. The second warrant is a Bench Warrant for Grand Larceny in the Fourth Degree, also a Felony, which occurred at a local business in May of 2023. The final warrant is an Arrest Warrant for Petit Larceny which occurred at separate business in the month of September 2023. John Canarelli has no known address but is believed to be in the Rome area. John Canarelli is also wanted by the City of Utica Police Department on two separate warrants for Contempt in the Second Degree and Harassment in the Second Degree.