Mohawk Valley Crime Stoppers Wanted Person of the Week:

Lareina Reyes

29 years old

Height: 4’10”

Weight: 100 lbs.

Lareina Reyes is wanted on 3 separate Rome City Court Warrants. The first warrant is a Bench Warrant for Petit Larceny and Endangering the Welfare of a Child stemming from a shoplifting incident in March of 2021 where she is accused of stealing items from a local business with a child present. The second warrant is a Bench Warrant for Felony Criminal Possession of Stolen Property in the Fourth Degree and Criminal Possession of a Controlled Substance in the Fifth Degree, also a felony, which occurred when Reyes was stopped in a stolen vehicle and was found in possession of a controlled substance. This incident occurred in September of 2022. The final warrant is a Bench Warrant for False Personation, a misdemeanor, which occurred in November of 2022 where Reyes was untruthful to police officers about her identity. Reyes has no known address but may possibly to be in the Rome area. Lareina Reyes is also wanted by the Madison County Sheriff’s Department on an unrelated Arrest Warrant for Unauthorized Use of a Motor Vehicle.