Heroin and opioid use in Central New York has reached epidemic proportions New York State has seen a 20 percent increase in overdose deaths from 2014-2015. Sherff Maciol attended an informational forum involving Syracuse Behavioral Healthcare which provides a Multi-Disciplinary team of Certified Recovery Peer Advocates, Counselors & referrals to physicians over a 6 County area. They provide mobile outreach which includes Telehealth systems for convenient referral services that assists in the quick delivery of treatment. They will implement a re-entry plan for people getting discharged from jails. This involves using peer engagement to make help make a plan for these circumstances. This type of plan can get people connected to treatment post release. Transportation can be provided for individuals in need of this service. This is a grant funded initiative that has been distributed to states for this type of plan. The standard hours are 8:00 am - 4:30 pm. You may contact (315) 401-4288 to be referred to services. After hours, people will be sent to answering service that can make a referral. The website for this organization is www.sbh.org.