Oneida County Sheriff Appointed to Several New York State Sheriff’s Association Committees

Oneida County Sheriff Robert Maciol has been appointed to several committees within the structure of the New York State Sheriff’s Association by Wayne County Sheriff Barry Virts who is currently the President of the New York State Sheriff’s Association. Sheriff Maciol, who took office as the Sheriff of Oneida County in 2011, also currently serves as the 1St Vice President of the New York State Sheriff’s Association.

Sheriff Maciol has been appointed as member of the Finance Committee, the Law Enforcement Training Committee, the Public Relations Committee, the Sheriff’s Relations With Native American Reservations Committee, and the Consolidation Committee. In all there are a total of fifteen committees within the Sheriff’s Association and their role is to study and investigate various issues facing Sheriff’s Offices and to make presentations and recommendations to the association’s President, Executive Committee, or the full membership.

The New York State Sheriff’s Association, Inc. (NYSSA) is a non-profit corporation, formed in 1934, for the purpose of assisting Sheriffs in the efficient and effective delivery of Sheriff’s services to the public. It is comprised of all of the elected and appointed Sheriffs of New York State.