According to the Oneida County Sheriff's Office Warrants Unit, a Ten Most Wanted Fugitive was captured in the State of Florida.

Glenn S. Brigham Jr. has been wanted since 2005 on a Felony Criminal Possession of Stolen Property in the Second Degree warrant. Brigham had fled New York State after the warrant issuance. Since this 2018 Ten Most Wanted list had been publicized, investigators had been following some new activity by Brigham in the state of Florida. On May 3rd, 2018, members of the Osceola County Sheriff's Office in Florida had located and arrested Brigham on this Oneida County Warrant and began extradition proceedings to return to Oneida County.

On yesterday's date May 20, 2018, Brigham arrived back to Oneida County Jail and will be arraigned this morning on the Oneida County Warrant in Oneida County Court.