According to Oneida County Sheriff Robert M. Maciol the following wanted subject was located and arrested in the State of Florida.

David L Simmons age 42 of Depeyster St Rome was wanted on a Oneida County Indictment warrant for the charge of CSCS 3rd a Class B Felony. Simmons was located and arrested in Marion County Florida on February 24, 2020 and held as a Fugitive from Justice. While in Florida, Simmons was held with no bail while he underwent his extradition proceedings.

On March 15, 2020 Simmons was returned to Oneida County Jail awaiting arraignment in County Court. On March 16th 2020, a day after arriving from Florida, Simmons who is a five time convicted felon appeared in Oneida County Court for arraignment. Simmons was ROR'd pursuant to the new New York State bail reform.